In Art through Architecture, News, Urban Culture Project

Informal Urbanisms: The Production of Space in the Developing World on Wednesday, January 6, 6:30 pm at la Esquina, 1000 West 25th Street KC MO, is a provocative public program organized by Ersela Kripa and Stephen Mueller, founding partners of AGENCY, a design and research practice in NYC. 

The evening includes a screening of the feature-length documentary film Garbage Dreams: Raised in the Trash Trade, which follows three teenage boys born into the trash trade and growing up in the world’s largest garbage village, a ghetto located on the outskirts of Cairo that is home to 60,000 Zaballeen (or Zabbaleen), Egypt’s “garbage people.” 10% of proceeds from Garbage Dreams’ tour will go to the Spirit of Youth Association, a non-governmental organization of Zaballeen, which runs The Recycling School profiled in Garbage Dreams.

After the screening, Kripa and Mueller will host and moderate a panel discussion concerning emerging conditions in disadvantaged and marginalized urban populations around the world. Panelists include Toby Lunn, Mechanical Engineer; Maureen Lunn, Southtown Foundation / MA International Studies (University of Kansas);  Andrew Mikhael, RA, LEEP AP; and Ersela Kripa and Stephen Mueller of AGENCY, who will also present recent architectural and infrastructural proposals. Read full press release.

Read coverage on Green Dream Living.

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