KANSAS CITY, Mo, June 12, 2020: Charlotte Street is excited to announce Art Where You’re At: Socially Distant Art Projects for Kansas City area artists looking to create DIY, public-facing art projects as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Charlotte Street Foundation is offering $500 commissions to 10 innovative artist’s projects that bring the community together through arts-based programs or collaborative art making while respecting a safe distance from other people. Artists can apply NOW by reading the call. The deadline to apply is Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 11:59 PM (CST).
“In designing this program, we wanted to provide support for the artistic projects that are happening now that have grown out of the need created by the restrictions of the pandemic,” said Amy Kligman, Executive/Artistic Director of Charlotte Street. “Although we are having to work within strange parameters in this moment, artists of all kinds are continuing to create and that work is inspiring and generating hope for the public in light of this urgent state of emergency. We hope this opportunity can honor their efforts in some small way.”

Possible platforms that artists will utilize include (but are not limited to): livestream, projections, web-publishing, publications, snail mail delivery, banners, zoom chats, google hangouts, telephone, radio, front lawn or apartment balcony installations, take-away stands like free public libraries, etc. Individual artists, artist-organizers or artist collaboratives who are not established as a nonprofit organization are eligible to apply. Selections will be made and funds will be released in July. Artists should plan for their projects to be rolled out from August through October of this year. CDC guidelines for social distancing, which will be a parameter of the projects, can be found here.
Applicants should provide a 1-3 page PDF that comprehensively includes the following:
- 1-page narrative of proposed project
(video or audio link to recorded narrative is also acceptable) - Narrative should:
– Describe proposal concept
– Identify proposal location
– Identify artists/organizers involved
– Identify how this proposal will maintain social distancing safety & hygiene precautions - CV/Artist Resume
- Up to 10 work samples (images or links to video/sound clips)
- Work samples can be used to demonstrate artistic quality or concept (by way of sketches or reference images). These images can include previous work samples and/or illustrations of the project concept, or some combination of both.
- It is preferred that all components of the proposal be compiled into a single document.
- No budget is required, but we do ask and hope that artists are planning to pay themselves as part of their budget considerations.
Deadline for applications: Sunday June 28, 11:59 PM, CST.
Projects should be planned for August/September/October of 2020.
Please send proposals to [email protected], with the subject line ART WHERE YOU’RE AT. Questions should be directed to [email protected].
Eligibility requirements:
- Must be an Artist/Performer whose primary residence is within the 5 county KCMO Metro area (Wyandotte, Johnson counties in Kansas; Jackson, Clay, Platte counties in Missouri)
- All artists/performers must be over 21 at the time of the application, and may not be full-time students
- Recipients must be eligible to receive taxable income in the US (SSN or EIN)
- Artists/Performers may not be employed as full or part time staff or a member of the governing board of Charlotte Street Foundation
Selected artists must agree for their project to be shared via Charlotte Street Foundation’s social media platforms.
Charlotte Street identifies the needs and fuels the evolution of an ever-changing multidisciplinary arts ecosystem, acting as its primary provocateur. Charlotte Street cultivates the contemporary, the exceptional, and the unexpected in the practice of artists working in and engaging with the Kansas City art community. Since 1997, Charlotte Street has distributed over $1.1 million in awards and grants to artists and their innovative projects, and connected individual artists to each other and to the greater Kansas City community. For more information about Charlotte Street, its awards, programs, and initiatives, visit www.charlottestreet.org.
Read the announce in PDF here.