
Thursday, August 18th and Friday, August 19th, 2016

Built from people’s memories tied to specific locations, (re)remember study – Kansas City is a durational performance and installation that explores nostalgia and the act of remembering as the phenomenon. In a live composition, the artists interpret and re-remember stories from places they visit with Kansas City residents in the days leading up to the performance. The artistic meditations seek to form connections and correlations to varying modes of the past, as well as, between the subjective and the general, the site-specific and the universal.

The project is conceived and the implemented in Kansas City by performance company, Findlay//Sandsmark; curator, Marte Danielsen Jolbo; New York-based musician and composer, Catherine McRae; and Kansas City-based visual artist, Gillian Toperformanceperfomance lasts approximately three hours, during with the audience is free to come and go.


Event Details:

  • Thursday August 18th & Friday August 19th, 6-9 PM
  • La Esquina, 1000 W 25th Street KC, MO 64108
  • Free / Open to the public

For photos of the event, check out our flickr.

Charlotte Street Foundation/La Esquina

1000 W 25th Street KC, MO 64108

Regular gallery hours: Wed., Fri., Sat., 12-5 PM, Thurs., 11-6 PM

Event Details

August 18th to August 19th, 2016


La Esquina (1000 West St. Kansas City, MO 64108)

Next Event

What Came With Spring: Documentary Screening


Wednesday, March 26 at 7:30 PM

Charlotte Street Stern Theater (3333 Wyoming St)
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