
Friday, October 16, 2020 from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Join Siento y Vivo Flamenco for this special event to raise funds for the Michael Shannon Musician Fund, Alcott Arts Center, and performers as they bring flamenco to the outdoors and gather together to enjoy our community and share our music and dance from Spain. Thanks to funding by Charlotte Street Foundation through the #ArtWhereYouAreAt project grant, all musicians of Siento y Vivo Flamenco will be together for the first time since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020 for an intimate outdoor performance.

Art Where You’re At: A Flamenco Drive-in Experience is set for Friday, October 16 at 5:00PM. Patrons will be able to drive up or camp out on lawn chairs outside of the Alcott Arts Center (located in the Kansas City, Kansas).

Tickets are by donation but if you would like to attend and do not have the means to donate, please contact Melinda Hedgecorth through their website and they will provide you with a ticket. Tickets range from $20 to $35. Patrons are expected to follow COVID-19 safety protocols in accordance with Kansas City, KS public health policies.

Performing musicians in Siento y Vivo Flamenco include: Beau Bledsoe (guitar), Coleen Dieker (violin), Michael McClintock (guitar and palmas), John Currey (percussion), Antonio Rojas (Flamenco song) and Melinda Hedgecorth (Flamenco dance).

Event Details

Friday, October 16, 2020 from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM


Alcott Arts Center (180 S 18th St, Kansas City, KS 66102)


Next Event

What Came With Spring: Documentary Screening


Wednesday, March 26 at 7:30 PM

Charlotte Street Stern Theater (3333 Wyoming St)
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