
Wednesday, April 21 at 6:00 PM

Love reading? So do we!

Join Artist Reads @CharlotteStreet monthly book club. Each month we have invited an artist to recommend a book that has inspired them, brought them joy or has been pivotal in some way. You will have one month to read the book. Artists will share their relationship and interpretation of the book and facilitate the monthly discussions which will be hosted virtually. As we’re unable to meet in person feel free to enjoy your own refreshments as we zoom into your living room. Readers who register will be provided a zoom link.

Let’s read with Nathaniel Bozarth, Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

This month Nathaniel has chosen Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Black Panther Book 6 and Book 7 for us to discuss. Here are questions he would like us to think about as we are reading:

  • In what ways is the Empire’s enslavement of The Nameless similar to American chattel slavery? In what ways is it different?
  • How does memory inoculate you against oppressive or repressive forces? Or do you find that your embodied memory serves to retrench oppressive ways of thinking?
  • Between book 1 and book 2, the artist changes. How do the artists interpret Coates’s Black Panther differently?

Want to purchase the book? Support our local bookstore Bliss Books & Wine, where you can find several copies of

Black Panther #6

Black Panther #7


Bliss Books & Wine promotes the reading culture by encouraging curious readers, endorsing local arts, and connecting great pastimes of social drinking and introverted reading. We exist to build a community gathering place and to create experiences by bridging the gap between books and wine.

Event Details

Wednesday, April 21 at 6:00 PM





Nathaniel Bozarth is a storyteller and public historian specializing in anti-racist work as centers around the history of residential segregation. Nathaniel’s work includes a podcast (Wide Ruled) on the past and present of equality in education, two documentary series about how various identities affect one’s access to “the American Dream” (Your Fellow Americans, Re:Dream), an Emmy-winning historical documentary (Land of Opportunity, led by Nico Giles), and a Ted Talk. In 2018, Nathaniel co-created an app-based tour (Dividing Lines) of the history of segregation in KC. A virtual (from home) version of the tour is currently in development. Nathaniel continues to produce and advise on a wide range of projects and curriculum illuminating the past and present of systemic racism. You can see all of his work at

Next Event

What Came With Spring: Documentary Screening


Wednesday, March 26 at 7:30 PM

Charlotte Street Stern Theater (3333 Wyoming St)
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