
Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Join artist Jillian Youngbird in her beading workshop as a part CSF’s Grand Opening weekend and premiering exhibitions.

  Jillian Youngbird, whose work explores explores craft and cultural symbols in connection to her Indigenous roots, is inviting you to join her beading workshop where participants will learn basic beading techniques and create a beaded patch that describes aspects of their identity. This program is a part of one of two exhibitions, “Who We Were, We We Are, Who We Will Be,” premiering June 11 during Charlotte Street’s Grand Opening weekend. Visitors are invited to come celebrate CSF’s new arts campus and attend our Exhibition Opening (June 11) and Open House (June 12). Come see Youngbird’s beaded work in the show, and visit her website at! RSVP required (limited capacity) — ABOUT WHO WE WERE, WHO WE ARE, WHO WE WILL BE Within the identity of any singular person, there are multiplicities. There are various versions of ourselves to consider: past/present/future, self at best/self at worst, self as part of various communities. Experience, ancestry, and environment come together to define the internal and external worlds of an individual human. These artists explore aspects of their identities- as parts of a whole, and as whole universes in and of themselves. Featuring: Max Adrian, Julie Farstad, Gonzalo Hernandez, Judith G. Levy, Jason Lips, Alexandra Robinson, Chico Sierra, Harold Smith, Sara Sonié Joi Thompson-Ruffin, Jillian Youngbird ABOUT CHARLOTTE STREET’S GRAND OPENING Charlotte Street will celebrate the unveiling of its new headquarters and arts campus during a two-day public Grand Opening June 11-12. Two exhibitions will premiere during the opening weekend: Who We Were, Who We Are, Who We Will Be and [Phainesthai] Prairie Translations.

Event Details

Saturday, June 12 at 10:00 AM


CSF Library @ 3333 Wyoming St (KCMO)


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