
June 2 - August 4

In association with Charlotte Street Foundation’s Every Street is Charlotte Street program, the KCAI Crossroads Gallery: Center for Contemporary Practice is pleased to present two exhibits opening June 2 and running through August 4.

For photos of the event, check out our flickr.


Event Details

June 2 - August 4, 2017


KCAI Crossroads: Center for Contemporary Practice

Opening Reception
June 2, 6-8 pm

Max Key is a 2005 Charlotte Street Award Fellow and alumni (’96 painting) of the Kansas City Art Institute. The exhibition features two new large-scale paintings. In regards to these works Key states:

“My paintings are meta-landfills. Wads of waste. Chewed mounds of collapsing leftovers and juicy catastrophes. It is in our culture of excess and gluttony where I find inspiration and the desire to find beauty and color in that blurry gray area between ‘need’ and ‘want.’”


The second exhibit Revolutionary Awakening features the work of Sonie Joi Thompson-Ruffin with Glenn North, poet, & filmmaker, Rodney M. Thompson. The exhibition features two series of works. The first, in conversation with written words by Glenn North, presents three new works by Ruffin reflecting on what has, or has not, changed in contemporary society as it relates to social activism. The second, My Mother’s Club: March On Kansas City, is a major work being debuted. Inspired by the history of African American women’s social clubs in Kansas City, these works are presented in tandem with the documentary film, My Mother’s Club, by Rodney M. Thompson.

Opening reception of both exhibits on June 2 from 6-8 p.m.

Next Event

What Came With Spring: Documentary Screening


Wednesday, March 26 at 7:30 PM

Charlotte Street Stern Theater (3333 Wyoming St)
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