
Friday, November 7th, 2014 to Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

Including artwork and ephemera from over 15 artists, activists, and archives nationwide, Loving After Lifetimes of All This is an exhibition exploring the intersections of craft, (self-)care, apprenticeship, and survival within the practices of historically disadvantaged populations. In addition to traditional techniques like weaving, quilting, ceramics, and wood-working, this exhibition considers craft in an expanded sense to include such practices as homeopathy, scrap-booking, gardening, and other DIY strategies for self-reliance. With a focus on intergenerational skill-sharing, this exhibition positions craft-practice as a potential form of cultural resistance.

Featuring: Gina Adams, Tanya Aguiñiga, Natalie M. Ball, Jonathan Barnett, Nedra Bonds, Sonya Clark, Matthew Dehaemers, Josh Faught, Christopher Leitch, Judith G. Levy, Ramekon O’Arwisters, Tina Takemoto, and Temporary Services

Also featuring materials from the Black Archives of Mid-America and the Gay & Lesbian Archives of Mid-America

Curated by 2013-14 Charlotte Street Curator-in-Residence Danny Orendorff

This exhibition is supported by a Craft Research Fund grant from The Center for Craft, Creativity, & Design, Inc.

For photos of the event, check out our flickr.

Show Opening: Friday, November 7, 6-9 PM

la Esquina / 1000 W. 25th St., Kansas City, MO, 64108

Gallery Hours: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 12-5 PM; Thursday 11-6 PM

Event Details

November 7th, 2014 to January 3rd, 2015


La Esquina (1000 West St. Kansas City, MO 64108)

Opening Reception
Friday, November 7th, 2014 from 6-9 PM

Next Event

What Came With Spring: Documentary Screening


Wednesday, March 26 at 7:30 PM

Charlotte Street Stern Theater (3333 Wyoming St)
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