In News, Opportunities, Urban Culture Project

Charlotte Street Foundation’s Urban Culture Project invites applications from individuals interested in participating in an upcoming project, The Frontier, to take place at its Paragraph and Project Space venues, 21-23 East 12th Street, KCMO, April-July 2012. Artists and culture producers of all kinds are invited to apply to participate in this project.

A major impetus for The Frontier, taking place during Charlotte Street Foundation’s 15th Anniversary Year, is to consider how Kansas City’s urban environment and cultural ecosystem has changed—specifically in the years since Charlotte Street Foundation’s launch in 1997, Urban Culture Project’s launch in 2003, and the opening of Paragraph gallery in 2004—and to consider the implications of these changes for the present and the future. If a sense of vacancy once defined the downtown core as an urban frontier of sorts and gave impetus and energy to efforts such as Charlotte Street’s Urban Culture Project, (how) has that sense opportunity/potential been lost or significantly altered with new development, population, and activity? (How) have these shifts altered the manner in which artists and culture producers think about “urban culture” and the downtown area as a site for artist-driven activity and efforts? What are the frontiers and possibilities for urban and artist-driven pioneering now? And/or, what new orientations, operational premises, and ways of thinking about the city and the role of culture makers in relation to it are relevant for the future?

We are particularly interested in including those who have had a strong connection to Charlotte Street Foundation and its Urban Culture Project’s programming at various points in its history, from its beginnings to its present; those who are disposed to collaboration, experimentation, and provocation; and those who will approach this project as an active, evolving, iterative endeavor, to which they will contribute and respond over the course of their participation. Note, artists formerly but no longer based in Kansas City are eligible and encouraged to apply if in a position to participate and contribute remotely and/or be physically in Kansas City for some or all of the planning and implementation of this project.

Find full call description, project details, how to apply in The Frontier Call.

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