Awarding $20,000 annually to exceptional generative performing artists in the Kansas City region


Charlotte Street launched its Generative Performing Artist Awards in 2008 as a parallel program to the Visual Artist Awards. With the 2018 Awards, Charlotte Street has continued to act as a catalyst for discovering and supporting contemporary performing art, and has now distributed $210,000 to 25 performing artists creating original new work in the fields of dance, theater, music, performance, spoken word, and hybrid/interdisciplinary performance based forms. These awards aim to recognize and meaningfully support artists producing exceptional performance based work that is original, innovative, and progressive.

A rotating panel of Awards Advisors are responsible for selecting the Charlotte Street Generative Performing Artist Award Fellows each year. Each of the Awards Advisors nominates a selection of Kansas City area artists for consideration.

The recipients are selected based on the quality of their work and accomplishments to date, for their promise for continued creation and development as generative artists, and for the relevance of their work in relation to the broader field of contemporary art and performance.

Two unrestricted cash grants of $10,000 annually

Recognize artists creating outstanding, innovative, original work in the fields of dance, theatre, music, performance art, and hybrid/interdisciplinary

Since 2016, artists awarded opportunity to perform in connection with the Visual Artist Award exhibition

$210,000 in cash grants distributed to date

2024 Generative Performing Artists

Unique Hughley
Haley Kostas

2024 Generative Performing Artist Award Panelists

Rachel Adams

Chief Curator + Director of Programs, Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts (Omaha, NE)

Nigel Campbell

Artistic Director, Gibney Center (NYC)

Helen Gillet

Cellist (New Orleans, LA)

Kholoud Sawaf

Independent Theater Director (Fayetteville, AK)
