In Awards, News, Press

performARTS Series Launched in KC Studio November/December Issue and on KCPT’s The Local Show November 10, 2011. Charlotte Street Foundation is featured in the May/June issue of KC Studio; air date on KCPT’s The Local Show is May 17 at 7:30pm.

Watch The Local Show episode NOW:


Townsend Communications in Kansas City, MO along with KCPT, Kansas City Public Television, presents the performARTS series. Underwritten by Speas Memorial Trusts and the Richard J. Stern Foundation for the Arts, the series is part of 2012 KC Studio publications and includes installments about some of Kansas City’s best artistic organizations. The six featured performARTS organizations were selected out of hundreds of arts organizations across this metropolitan community.

Along with the printed story in KC Studio, KCPT produces a piece on each of the selected groups airing multiple times on KCPT’s The Local Show.

The performARTS participants for this inaugural assembly are:

Charlotte Street Foundation
Coterie Theatre
The Kansas City Chorale
Quality Hill Playhouse
Kansas City Actors Theatre
Paul Mesner Puppets

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