In Awards, Exhibitions, Performances, Uncategorized

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Kansas City-based artist Judith G. Levy has been selected to attend the prestigious Art Omi International Artists Residency program this summer in Upstate New York. This four-week residency program provides visual artists from around the world with a studio, living quarters, and meals in a stimulating atmosphere where exchange, experimentation, discourse, and collaboration are encouraged. Levy will be using this time to explore two-dimensional, mixed-media work. She also anticipates working with photos and video, a medium she has used in past projects like the acclaimed NV in KC: a story about artists and envy in Kansas City.

Through an ongoing partnership with Art Omi, Charlotte Street Foundation sponsors one Kansas City-based artist to attend Art Omi International Artists Residency each summer. Charlotte Street Visual Artist Awards Fellows from 1997 to the present, as well as other artists nominated by prior Charlotte Street Art Omi Fellows, are invited to apply for the Charlotte Street-sponsored spot. The artist is chosen by Art Omi’s selection panel from among the Kansas City artists applying. This year, Levy joins the company of 24 artists from around the globe, working in a variety of mediums.

For more details, see the full Press Release.

Images from left: Levy working on materials for The Last Descendents; On set in prep for On the Seventh Day; Levy stands near her Urban Culture Project, Panoramic Postcards, in downtown KC

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