Wednesday, June 30, 2021: On July 1, images by local artists Jill Downen and Rachel Ferber will be installed on a double-sided billboard in the heart of the Crossroads District at 125 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, MO. From July 2021 through March 2022, selected artists’ work will be on view, rotating every three months. This year’s artists include Ariana Chaivaranon, Jill Downen, Rachel Ferber, Israel Alejandro Garcia Garcia, Sundiata Moon, and Chico Sierra.

A fixture in the Crossroads since 2008, the commissioned project is currently sponsored by CBIZ and Humana Associates, via a collaboration with the Crossroads Arts Association. The work chosen for display was selected by an outside panel of local artists, curators, and art leaders, including Jori Louise Cheville, Kathy Liao, Neysa Page-Lieberman, and Dwight Smith.
2021-2022 Artboards Schedule:
Jill Downen + Rachel Ferber (July-September)
Ariana Chaivaranon + Israel Alejandro Garcia Garcia (October-December)
Sundiata Moon + Chico Sierra (January-March)
The Crossroads Artboards were launched in Fall 2008 as a partnership between Charlotte Street Foundation and Missouri Bank (now BOK Financial). In 2021, Crossroads Community Association assumed sponsorship of the boards. To date, 84 Kansas City area artists have been featured on the Artboards. For a complete listing and more information, visit our website.
Jori Louise Cheville, Museum Manager, 21c Museum Hotel
Kathy Liao, Artist, Artist INC Program Specialist at Mid-America Arts Alliance
Neysa Page-Lieberman, Independent Curator and Public Art Administrator
Dwight Smith, Private Art Collector
Charlotte Street centers Kansas City’s most forward-thinking visual artists, writers, and performers— acting as the primary incubator, provocateur, and connector for the region’s contemporary arts community, and its leading advocate on the national stage. Since 1997, Charlotte Street has distributed over $1.1 million in awards and grants to artists and their innovative projects, and connected individual artists to each other and to the greater Kansas City community. For more information about Charlotte Street, its awards, programs, and initiatives, visit
Through a serendipitous meeting, CBIZ and Humana associates were introduced to Suzie and the Crossroads Arts Association (CAA). After learning more about CAA, Charlotte Street Foundation and the history behind the Artboards – CBIZ, Humana and CAA decided to jointly sponsor the revival of the boards in 2021.A core value of CBIZ and Humana is to positively engage with our community in which we live, work and play. The Crossroads is a beloved place by many, and us personally, so we hope that our sponsorship of the boards brings a smile to those that love the tradition and is enjoyed by those just passing by.
You can read the press release in PDF format here.