In Opportunities

Capitalizing on the power of witnessing to release blocks and facilitate letting go, an Emotional Value Auction is a participatory witnessed exchange grounded in reciprocity. For the Charlotte Street Block Party, objects will be collected and displayed by Experience Broker and 2000 Charlotte Street Award winner, Adriane Herman – along with written statements from the objects’ owners about how they came to own the item and why it is time to let go. No money changes hands; written statements of interest from viewers replace financial bids, foregrounding other metrics of value. Authentic written expression and shared vulnerability are rewarded, and are rewards in themselves. 

Adriane Herman, non-monetized Emotional Value Auction, 2021. Colby College Museum of Art in Waterville, Maine. Photo by Benjamin Wheeler. 

Each object’s owner chooses from among the written “bids” the person upon whom to bestow their item, if they are moved to do so. To release something through this non-monetized event, contact the artist at [email protected] ASAP. Objects can be delivered to the Charlotte Street welcome desk 12 PM-5 PM Tues-Sat until July 10th, or later by arrangement, and should be accompanied by a photo of the item as well as a written statement about what the item is, how you came to have it, why it is time to let go and anything else you wish to share about it. This statement can be as long or short as you wish. (Releasers don’t have to be present during the Auction.) 

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