In Artboards, Press Release

Madeline Brice, hair net and big moms, Acrylic and oil on aluminum, 2022

KANSAS CITY, MO, OCTOBER 3, 2023: Charlotte Street is pleased to announce the new Crossroads Artboards for the 2023 Winter season, featuring artwork by Madeline Brice and Kit Landwehr. The newly installed Artboards, located on exterior double-sided billboards at 125 Southwest Blvd, will be on view until December 2023.

Featured on the west-facing Artboards is artist Madeline Brice and her work hair net and big moms. Using acrylic and oil on aluminum, Brice explores distorted realities and the visceral painting medium. “I became really interested in how perception distorts your sense of self and can create an entirely new narrative separate from the actuality of things, the complex interplay between perception, self-conception, and the nature of reality.”

Kit Landwehr, Local Attraction, Digital illustration, 2023

On the east-facing Artboards is painter and muralist Kit Landwehr. Her work, Local Attraction, depicts three flowers native to this region; wild indigo, swamp milkweed, and red turtlehead. Through the use eye-catching shapes and colors, Landwehr hopes to draw attention to the critical yet often overlooked parts of our local landscape. “The benefits of native plants radiate in all directions,” says Landwehr. “Many people think of these flowers solely as providing nectar to pollinators like bees and butterflies, but native gardens[…]improve air quality, help prevent flooding and erosion, as well as shelter and feed local insects and mammals.”

To schedule an interview or for other press inquiries, contact Hope-Lian Vinson, Charlotte Street Marketing + Communications Manager, at [email protected].


Madeline Brice is a Kansas City-based visual artist and curator. In parallel with visual arts, Brice works as an active community member and organizer as the Director and Associate Curator of Weinberger Fine Art, a commercial gallery in Kansas City, and as co-curator of United Colors, an artist-run space in Kansas City, Kansas. She graduated from Missouri State University with a BFA in Painting and a BA in Art History. She is both a published and exhibiting artist having shown nationally in solo and juried group exhibitions, most recently opening a solo exhibition titled Learning Not to Hurt Others at Truman University. This year she was a selected recipient of an Inspiration Grant from ArtsKC and the Lighton International Exchange Program which funded her attendance to Quarantine artist in residence in Menorca, Spain in April of 2023. She was also a finalist for the 2023 Visual Artist Award with Charlotte Street. In 2021, she was featured in Sotheby’s Institutes’ Made in Bed magazine as an emerging artist to know. And in 2020, she was a recipient of a Charlotte Street Foundation Rocket Grant. Her work continues to be added to many private and permanent collections.


Kit Landwehr is an artist, painter, and muralist living and working in Kansas City, Missouri. She attended the Kansas City Art Institute and received her BFA in Painting and Art History. Her colorful works draw inspiration from her experiences and dreams of exploring, climbing, and biking public lands in the US. Through digital and physical methods of drawing, painting, and collage, she creates windows into natural worlds. She often frames these subjects with symmetrical structures, human crafted objects, foliage, or patterns. Her work seeks to balance organic and geometric elements in a playful way.

Her murals can be seen across the Kansas City metro area at No Vacancy, Sequence Climb, Alma Mader Brewing, The Nelle, and Strawberry Swing Artist Studios.


Since 2008, the Crossroads Artboards has featured over 100 commissioned works by Kansas City-area artists. In partnership with the Crossroads Community Association, the Artboards capture the creative spirit of the Crossroads neighborhood while serving as an alternative platform for contemporary art. For a complete listing of artists and more information, visit


Charlotte Street centers Kansas City’s most forward-thinking visual artists, writers, and performers—acting as the primary incubator, provocateur, and connector for the region’s contemporary arts community, and its leading advocate on the national stage. Since 1997, Charlotte Street has distributed over $2 million in awards and grants to artists and their innovative projects, and connected individual artists to each other and to the greater Kansas City community. For more information about Charlotte Street, its awards, programs, and initiatives, visit


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