
Thursday, June 8 through Saturday, June 10, 2023 from 6:30-8:30 PM

Making Moves: The Festival! is an all-new performance format to showcase the talents of Kansas City performance-makers.

In one weekend, six choreographers will premiere dances they have been developing over the past several months. If you’re a longtime friend of Making Moves, you will see new works by people you love and notice a few new creators whose works we hope you fall in love with too!

This year’s schedule follows an energetic festival format: four performances each evening starting at 6:30 PM. Come for one, and stay for more!

Featured Artists: Kennedy Banks, Alexis Borth, Lindsay Clipner, Olivia Emert, Kyle Mullins, and Jeramy Zimmerman


Event Details

Thursday, June 8 through Saturday, June 10 from 6:30-8:30 PM


Charlotte Street Stern Theater (3333 Wyoming)




Thursday, June 8


6:30 PM – Kyle Mullins/Kennedy Banks


This is a Dance (a Spiralic Exploration of What the F*ck I’m doing with my Life) by Kyle Mullins

Kyle Mullins, in This is a Dance (a Spiralic Exploration of What the F*ck I’m Doing with My Life) asks the audience, “Is this a dance?” Through an episodic series of mini-performances, sketches, and queries, this work-in-progress is a meditation on an aging dancer’s changing relationship with dance and performance, investigating the ties that bind the human to the artwork.

The Distortion of Reality by Kennedy Banks

The Distortion of Reality, by Kennedy Banks, is about the general relativity of time and space and playing with the idea of events occurring at the same time, but to the observer one thing may happen after the other. With our bodies we are able to bend both time and space and transform it into whatever we want it to be. Manipulation allows for creation of a new reality and allows us to look for something else to escape to. Utilizing the body to create a new experience that ultimately depends on the openness of one’s brain and what they choose to allow to happen. What controls your mind controls your life, it’s up to you to figure out your path.

The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They are radical. henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.”-Hermann Minkowski


8:00 PM – Jeramy Zimmerman/Alexis Borth


It’ll all be fine by Jeramy Zimmerman and Seth Davis

It’ll all be fine is a collaboration between choreographer Jeramy Zimmerman and composer Seth Davis. It explores the overlapping of our past and our present, our relationships with time, our environment, and with each other.


Friday, June 9


6:30 PM – Jeramy Zimmerman/Oliva Emert


It’ll all be fine by Jeramy Zimmerman and Seth Davis

Humane by Olivia Emert


8:00 PM – Lindsay Clipner/Kyle Mullins


This is a Dance (a Spiralic Exploration of What the F*ck I’m doing with my Life) by Kyle Mullins


Saturday, June 10


6:30 PM – Lindsay Clipner/Alexis Borth


8:00 PM – Olivia Emert/Kennedy Banks


Humane by Olivia Emert

The Distortion of Reality by Kennedy Banks


Next Event

What Came With Spring: Documentary Screening


Wednesday, March 26 at 7:30 PM

Charlotte Street Stern Theater (3333 Wyoming St)
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