Artist Profile

Alexandra Robinson

Studio Resident (2006)

Exhibitions/Performances (2006-2009)

Installation, Multimedia, Painting
Statement of Work

My work functions as a metaphor for how we navigate and understand our lived experience. It is based in a strong connection between knowing, understanding and discovery. And for as long as I can remember I have been interested in ideas about perception.

I have explored this in a variety of ways: through counting, walking, drawing, multiples, and installation. I have also been collecting sound; sounds of work, sounds of silence. I have often made work that is challenging for its allusive quality. Regardless of the form, a collective thread of knowing and understanding materializes. My goal is to generate work that at once discloses and withholds, that provides small spaces of clarity as we continue on our way.

My most recent works explore the simplicity of form that is informed by the encoded language of Morse code and the cast-off marks from things like doodles, tape and stains. As I examine meaning and relationships, the subtle versus high contrast value of the drawings becomes an essential element in the work. The association connects moments of clarity and obfuscation. The value and texture and sound of the Morse drawings accentuate and obscure, and coax the viewer in for closer inspection without ever being able to decipher. In contrast the cast-off, found drawings are created from small discarded elements of living. The shift in scale creates meaning however manufactured and exaggerated. The two types of drawings function as metaphors for how we navigate and understand our lived experience.

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My goal is to generate work that at once discloses and withholds, that provides small spaces of clarity as we continue on our way.

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