Artist Profile

Deanna Dikeman

Visual Artist Fellow (2006)

Artboards (2011)

Art Omi (2011)

Statement of Work

I am drawn to making pictures that capture glimpses into an everyday world that otherwise might go unnoticed. Working in series, I have documented the everyday lives of my parents and other family in Iowa in "Relative Moments." With "Wardrobe," I photographed vintage and thrift store clothes, wondering about their stories and giving them new life in my art. "Ballroom" shows colorful costumes and dancers’ bodies encountered in my hobby of competitive ballroom dancing. "Suburban Photographs" is my documentation of the landscape of midwestern suburbia, where I live. "Lot Line" looks at the spaces between houses, starting with the grass lawn-mowing line in my own yard. From my love of dogs, I have taken pictures of lost pet posters, "Lost Dog," for years. I feel there is an ongoing narrative embedded in my works that conveys larger, more universal truths about American culture, familiarity, and the endless source of everyday wonder that surrounds us.

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“ ”

Even though nothing out of the ordinary is happening, extraordinary moments are flying by.

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