Artist Profile

Kimberly LaVonne Luther

Studio Resident (2016 - 2017)

Ceramics, Illustration, Painting, Photography, Sculpture
Statement of Work

Through my sculptures, I aim to take the recognizable and transform it into something new in order to hint at the occult wonders, mythologies, and obscure secrets that I am creating. Three distinct, and at times overlapping, themes gleaned from these ideas are ‘Saints & Secrets,’ ‘Anatomy,’ and ‘The Collection.’ I reference saints for their connection to something beyond our understanding and the wondrous evidence of this within their bodies. My work alludes to anatomical illustrations from the Renaissance and 18th century that revealed hidden parts of the body to the viewer. The idea of a collection is employed to evoke a sense of curiosity and exploration, similar to European wunderkammer. By unifying these themes, the viewer is exposed to my created wonders and obscure secrets of the body, which aim to generate insight into the nature of being and seeing.

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